Shopify x Netcore Unbxd
Empower Shopify stores with robust product discovery solution
Enhance Shopify stores with AI-powered search, product recommendations, and personalization. Boost conversion rates and improve the shopping experience by exceeding Shopify's native search capabilities.
Integrate Shopify store with Netcore Unbxd
Synchronize catalog
Install the Unbxd plugin for Shopify to automatically update catalog data and the search index.
Upgrade to Unbxd search
Add Unbxd search elements to the theme settings and replace the native Shopify search.
Integrate user event data
Incorporate Unbxd analytics events to learn from shoppers' interactions continuously.
Shopper-centric search to boost conversions
Marketing-friendly, no-code merchandising interface
Run campaigns
Enable marketers to effortlessly preview, debug, and schedule campaigns with zero coding.
A/B test
Experiment with strategies across various shopper segments to discover winning business combinations.
Advanced analytics to discover shoppers’ preferences
Understand purchase funnel
Predict sales trajectory by tracking vital metrics, visualizing performance, analyzing conversions, and comparing trends.
Analyze business strategy
Review business performance by understanding the purchase funnel and monitoring historical metrics.
Evaluate campaign performance
Monitor campaign success and leverage detailed A/B test reports to identify profitable marketing opportunities.
Advanced analytics to discover shoppers’ preferences
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How easily can I integrate Unbxd with my Shopify store?

Integration is seamless. Unbxd provides a plug-and-play Shopify app, ensuring a smooth and quick setup process without any technical hassles.

What advantages does Unbxd offer in terms of shopper personalization for Shopify stores?

Unbxd employs AI-driven personalization, tailoring search results and recommendations based on individual shopper behavior, enhancing user engagement and conversions.

Can I customize the look and feel of Unbxd search elements to match my Shopify store's theme?

Absolutely. Unbxd offers a visual workbench, allowing easy customization of search elements to align with your Shopify store's branding and aesthetics.

How does Unbxd support mobile commerce for Shopify stores?

Unbxd is optimized for mobile commerce, ensuring a seamless shopping experience on Shopify across devices, with responsive design and quick search functionality.

Maximize your Shopify store’s potential with minimum effort.